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Walk Your Way to Wellness

Why should I walk? What’s in it for me? Can it really be that good? All these questions and more have been answered by the experts, and if you want to feel better, look better, and live longer – walking will give you a better chance of getting there.

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two man playing tennis

Importance of Cardiovascular Fitness

Regular exercise provides a wealth of health benefits. One of the most important impacts on senior health is cardiovascular strength and endurance. Cardio or aerobic exercise will raise your heart rate, pumping more oxygen to your muscles and body, which will improve the entire pulmonary system by increasing the amount of oxygen the lungs can handle and helping tone the heart in the process.

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woman doing yoga

Balance – Importance for Seniors

Many things change as we age. Changes that include limb strength, core strength, eyesight, bone density, reaction time, coordination and balance. These are conditions that can lead to falls in older individuals. A fall can result in hospitalization or even death. A fractured hip will often lead to death within a year of the incident. Regardless of a senior’s physical abilities, balance exercises can help to prevent falls.

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